Hansol Logistics, conducting ESG activities to fulfill Environmental, Social and Economic Responsibilities
Environmental Management
Hansol Logistics'
Environmental Policies and Goals
In order to ensure that all environmental impacts associated with the development, production, transportation, sales and service activities of the product are within the limits of relevant laws and regulations in accordance with ISO 14001:2015, we will comply with the following clauses.
1. Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection
Taking environmental effects occur from development, design stage to production, transportation and disposal, we will lead the environmental protection by minimizing environmental load and amount of substances that affect the environment.
2. Compliance of Environmental Obligation
We thoroughly comply with the environmental regulations that apply directly to production and transportation processes, requirements of stakeholders, customers and etc.
3. Continuous improvement of Environmental management System
We will continue to carry out enivronmetal improvement activities by understanding environmental impacts that are caused by purchasing raw materials, prooduction, transportation, and disposal through Life Cycle Assesment(LCA)
4. Foundation of Environmenttal Goals
We will encourage our members to set and practice achievable environmental goals by sharing our environmental policies.
5. Public Environmental Management
Disclose environmental policies and management information to interested parties to induce active participation and practice transparent environmental management.
Jan. 2nd, 2025
Hansol Logistics Co., Ltd.
CEO, Jeong-Han Go
Promotion Goals
For settlement and continuous development of environmental management system, Hansol Logistics thoroughly manage the usage and emissions of resources and actively operate environmental management system.
Use of ResourcesReduction of resource usage such as electricity and paper through efficient use of resources
Minimization of Pollutant
EmissionReducing generation of waste paper and general waste by mimizing pollutatnts
Environmental Management
ImprovementContinuous advancement of environmental management system through fulfillment and strengthening awareness education of environmental management

As an effort to achieve our vision of “Customers are satisfied with 1st SCM Solution Provider”, we comply with following principles during purchasing activities to fulfill our responsibility to our customers and as members of society through Green Procurement activites.
- For all purchasing activities, we comply with laws and regulations and fulfill our social responsibility for environmental protection.
- For all purchasing activities, we make continuous efforts to discover suplliers which provide eco-friendly products and services and comply with environmental laws and regulations.
- For all purchasing activities, they should be determined in consideration of eco-friendly proudcts and services besides quality and price.
- For all purchasing activities, we prioritize excellent suppliers which make efforts on quality, service and compliance with environmental laws and regulations through regular supplier evaluations.